Sydneysiders’ Coffee Bible


It’s mine. Finally. After months of back and forth to news agencies, when I was either missing out on the last copy, either I had no cash with me at the time, either my credit card was not working, either I was recalling two minutes too late that I forgot to grab it, either… Once I even asked the owner lady to save me a copy but her hubby found it, thought it was accidentally misplaced, and put it back on top of the counter. It was a matter of minutes till somebody else grabbed it. The most painful moment was when I discovered it at Pentimento for double the price. As bad as I was craving for it, as much as I love browsing around the store and choosing gifts for my friends, as little money was (still), doubling the price is not a practice to be welcomed. I’m a hipfair 😉

Today everything worked as simple and beautiful as a lemonade ‘di Positano’ in a summer day in Campania can be. Saw it, smiled, bought it.

Let’s get caffeinated!