The Motel Sisters Workout @ MCA

… was literally awesome! For your own good, I can only hope you were one of the hundreds and hundreds visiting MCA on Tuesday… or maybe one of the fewer invited to share the bed with the Motel Sisters Paris and Tacky (when not on stage, friends call them Liam Benson and Naomi Oliver)


Paris and Tacky recreated the Bed-In Peace Protest originally performed by Yoko Ono and John Lennon in 1969 and spiced it up with social media ‘slacktivism’ and heaps of junk food and pizza – here’s my list of Starbucks errands:


Confined to bed by obesity, Paris and Tacky were not sluggish at all when it came to liking Facebook causes (btw, befriend them here), watching YouTube videos or twittering on their laptops or iPhones (all connected to video projectors). I could only put my iPad to work and dedicate myself to Instagram-ing (the Sisters didn’t take it over yet!)

Barely keeping up with their prolific activity, public didn’t know to which screen they should watch first… When deciding was too difficult, jumping into sisters’ bed helped getting a better view – and which view is better than a view from the other side? It was then when the true fun began!

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On 23 April, I’ll do my ‘Workout’ at MCA!

Guess what! On Tuesday I’ll totally douche my workout at the gym to do my ‘Workout’ at MCA (the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, ‘douchebag’!)

22-28 April at MCA Level 1 North it is happening ‘WORKOUT:7 Days of Experimental Performance‘ Each day, everyday, another artist (never the same) will have to work out a way to be artsy about workout using his/her body (for obvious reasons, I’d say) and daily objects.

If I were you, I wouldn’t miss Tuesday’s performance (Tuesday. 23 April. MCA. 10am-5pm) It’s The Motel Sisters day with Liam Benson and Naomi Oliver and yours truly as artist assistant. Yes. That’s the show!

The Motel Sisters is a collaborative, multi-faceted duo from Western Sydney whose work engages with society, pop culture and the contemporary art scene. Having risen to fame as ‘art scene socialites’, they use their profile to explore the relationship between their suburban roots and their role as emerging artists. Alongside their guerrilla-style public performances, The Motel Sisters frequently utilise social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to perform and exhibit their work. In their new work My Little Kony (2013) they recreate the iconic Bed-In for Peace protest made by Yoko Ono and John Lennon in 1969.


Central Press/Getty Images

In their 2013 version, the artists take on the role of ‘slacktivists’, lying in bed with their laptops, ordering takeaway food, watching reality TV clips on YouTube and ‘liking’ socially conscious causes on social media. Apparently bedridden through obesity caused by an over lethargic lifestyle, The Motel Sisters also use their time to write idle complaint letters to organisations and government bodies that fail to meet their opinionated expectations.

It doesn’t sound awesome. It is awesome. Have I mentioned I am The Motel Sisters‘ artist assistant?


Aside from The Motel Sisters, 7 other artists are on board: David Capra, Domenico de Clario, Brian Fuata, Sarah Goffman, Agatha Gothe-Snape, Susan Gibb and Jodie Whalen.

Schedule is generaly 10am-5pm but check it out for the day. You might have the nice surprise that the one you are interested in to start earlier. Or to last longer 🙂